Slimming World in St Neots, Tuesday nights. Sharing success & supporting the masses!

There's so much going on at our fabulous group! :-)

Wednesday 25 November 2009

And the winner is........

Top night Miss Slinky, let's face it, it ALWAYS is. The deep joy of seeing so many of you with regained self confidence leaves me speechless - yes me! Let's hear it for Bev and Sandra, our worthy winners, not to mention the other chicks who bared their souls to inspire us further - thank you one and all.
Now, here's simple, click this link to read all about our early winner, the one and only Sandra!!

Have a fab week guys
Urs xx

Monday 16 November 2009

And by the way......

Miss Slinky celebration this Tuesady (17th Nov) all times as normal. This really is one of my fave nights....less about how much weight and more about how happy you are :-D

Bring a plate buffet and I'll do the drinks - see you all there for another TOP night. Come and feel fab with us!

Urs x

All woman!

I spent the whole evening weeping at the Sliiming World national awards ceremony! The losses where over wheleming but every single person was saying things I knew all of my members could relate to. People struggle not just with their physical size but with their health, their family, their jobs and their oh so fragile self confidence - I was simply wrung out with it all :-}

I had the honour of being able to speak to these winners afterwards, all very humble, all very happy and all of whom said "well Food Optimising , that's how I did it along with the amazing support from my group". Sound familiar?

These people are all just regaulr people who attend their grop and are ready to do whatever it takes to succeed. Whatever it takes to be fitter, happier, healthier. Whatever it takes....means being the change.

You've all got what it takes, let it shine and BE THE CHANGE!
Urs x

Thursday 12 November 2009

Sad old flirt!!!

Yes, that would mean me!!!
The excitment of meeting Mr Vernon Kaye at the Slimming World awards ceremony at the weekend was all too much and I acted like a school girl with a mad crush and have clearly blown my (already non-existent) chances :-)
Good old Vern (a firm 36 years old by the way), he was a total brick with nearly 600 salivating ladies queueing to have a photo and a grope of his bum! Must be black and blue by now! He was charming and oh so lovely with all the on stage finalists.
10/10 from me all around Mr Kaye - you're still on 'my list' ;-)
More about the ball later
Urs xx

Monday 2 November 2009

Nowhere on earth like it!

Anothe fabulous week at group - I seem to have the best night ever with you guys - goodness you make me laugh, make me cry and I always come home just bursting with pride!! :-)

Another SLimmer of the Month extravaganza - massive congrats to Annette (early session) with a whoppingt 10lbs off in October and with an extra 8ox in the bag, big up to Elaine ( late session winner). What a tremendous acheivement for you both ladies, I'm sure you could hear from the cheers how everyone os just thilled for you!!!

I was particularly happy for Gill (early session) scooping Slimmer of the week with 4lbs off - having confidence in your ability as a slimmer is something that is often hard to learn - you can do it Gill. And what about our new members from last week eh??? Rock and roll chicks!!! 4 out of 9 drooping half a stone on their first weigh in - COOKING ON GAS!!! Goodness I just LOVE food optimising and as for you guys at group......there is nowhere on earth like it :-)

Will fill you in later this week about my possible date with Vernon Kay - not decided what to wear to the ball yet ...get me - Cinderella!!!

See you tomorrow guys
Urs xx

Thursday 22 October 2009


Well another awesome group this Tuesady - what an amazing bunch of people - how lucky am I to have netted all the nicelst people in St Neots?! :-)

Slimmer of the week ended up losing 4.5lbs in both sessions - A BIG YIPPEE to Gemma and Joanne XXX - very much lloking forward to Slimmer of the Month next week - losses looking corking at he moment. Lots of great food ideas bouncing around the room - seems that lots of people are into making soup at the moment - yummy yummy in my tummy!!! ANd a great way of getting plenty of veg in to - way hey!! So rpoud to see Annette with her 2.5st award - she's only been with us for 12 weeks - awesome!!

Just nine week to Xmas guys - crack on but remember....loosing weight is for life, not just for Xmas :-)
Urs xx

Friday 16 October 2009

Great gadget!

Just been chopping apples (like you do) and been using my mega apple slicer. It looks like a grapefruit would do if you cut it in half (the blades that is) and you just press it down over the top of a whole apple. It wedges the apple and leaves you with a cylindrical core to chuck out - LOVE IT!! Can also use it to wedge spuds for top SW chips :-)

Saw some really brightly coloured ones on the cooking aisle in Tesco for just a few quid - get yours now :-)

Stay smart over the weekend guys
Urs x

Thursday 15 October 2009

Bumped into Julie from Eaton Socon group....

And we ended up talking about food of course. Was telling her about the great meal we had at the White Horse last night. Mandy is star having put the healthy eating menu on - all SW syn values are on the menu so you can eat out and slim without any effort at all! Suits me of course :-)

So Julie is telling me about soup she has made and I'm thinking "must share that with the members" Good old Butternut soup :-)
Roast one squash, one red onion and one red pepper sprayed with frylight. I season with salt, pepper and plenty of chilli powder. When it's all roasted, wizz it up with a good pint of chicken stock (made from bovril jar). This is simply yummy and can be frozen too. I like mine pretty thick too but you can add as much stock as you like. I also like mine served with a bit of 0% greek yog stirred in (all swirly and posh of course!) GO ON and give it a go....great way to get some veg in.

Stay fab - BE THE CHANGE!
Urs x

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Feel the fear and do it anyway!!!

Well, I am officially a BLOGGER!! Can I add this to my CV I wonder? Thinking that a BLOG might help me to keep in touch with all your gorgeous people..... generally gabbling on (no change there eh?)

So News of the day? Top chick Carmel got to target last night, what a joy she is, what alot of weight she has lost..... over 3 stones!!!! Way to go Carmel :-)

Just ten weeks til Xmas - still TONS of time to lose weight - dreaming of a fab week for all you guys

Urs xxx