Slimming World in St Neots, Tuesday nights. Sharing success & supporting the masses!

There's so much going on at our fabulous group! :-)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

I made a lovely new friend this week....

And I heard him say this......

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Everest wasn't conquered in an hour.

And the journey to target isn't going to happen overnight.

Food Optimising is a lifestyle choice, not a quick fix. You may be on the motorway, the scenic route or even parked in a layby right now, but you WILL finish this journey IF you keep believing in yourself.

I believe in you.

Be the change. See you next week, lighter and brighter!

BE THE CHANGE! (I wonder who he heard say that?! - ha ha ha!!!)
Urs xxx

Let's hear it for the boys!

So it won't surprise you that I am very much looking forward to making a fuss of the brilliant blokes in our group and next Tuesday, 11th May, marks the spot!

Time to celebrate, so chicks, stick on a bit of lippy, concoct some free food delight and bung it on a plate for the buffet and let's party!!! Those boys deserve our special attention :-)

Tues 11th May
5.30 then again at 7.30 (God I love my job!)
Man of the Year 2010

You Are The Man

Bring a plate buffet (that's supplied by you!)
I'll bring cups, plates, drinks etc

Oh come let us adore our marvellous men!!

See you there
Urs xxx